In a heartwarming gesture, Dubai Police facilitated an inmate’s virtual participation in his daughter’s wedding ceremony, allowing...
As cities across the UAE and the Gulf grapple with the challenges of rapid urbanization, energy consumption,...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the workforce, with industry experts agreeing that while AI itself may not...
Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB), a leading name in digital banking, has announced the inclusion of Kia in...
Muslims across the UAE gathered at mosques on Saturday for Salat al Istisqaa, a special prayer seeking...
Qatar’s Cherif Younousse and Ahmed Tijan have advanced to the semi-finals of the Beach Pro Tour Finals...
The Indian rupee edged higher on Friday, supported by gains in regional currencies and a softer US...
Archer Aviation Inc. announced on Friday a collaboration agreement with prominent UAE and Abu Dhabi entities to...
Family businesses play a critical role in Abu Dhabi’s economy, employing 80% of the workforce in the...