Updating status everyday become difficult now and making them more colorful comparing with your friend’s status become impossible.
So envisage SUPER App to get the prime help to update your status with attractive color use and flip featured jest or using nice prank. You only have to give a nifty status filling a blank and then the app make a colorful photo background according to your speech on the given status. The app provide the option to edit the photo and so you can modify the photo and turn it into the most delightful update by your own choice. You can also use your own picture to customize the photo before sharing. The app give you the option to see the status and also posts of your friends and the discussions of nearby people. Post’s author is showed on the right side and on the left side, there is option for liking and sharing for you. This app will help you to make new design and style of your status every time. So, I think, why delay? Give your update new model and splashing background and draw attention of your friends.