Trojena is envisioned to become a renowned destination, combining natural beauty with carefully crafted environments, providing unforgettable...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia attracted $13 billion in private investments in the tourism sector in 2023,...
In a notable shift, Saudi Arabia has catapulted to the forefront of the global tourism landscape, securing...
PIF announced the establishment of “Dan” company, which specializes in rural and environmental Tourism. The company aims...
The Saudi Minister of Tourism highlighted his statements at the conference held by the Future Investment Initiative...
Everyone is planning trips right now, as pandemic restrictions lift. But, planning a successful trip can be...
Pakistan for decades and years have been fighting so hard with terrorism, many political parties tried to...
Traveling around the world is what everyone loves to do. But where to go around the globe...
Once Sri Lanka reopens its borders for travellers, tourism is expected to be one of the primary...