Playing golf can be a really exciting experience. Having a better golf game depends a lot on a variety of factors, but one of the most important ones is using the right golf grip. This will help you swing your golf club more effectively and it’ll also, help you improve your ball striking.
Here are some of the most vital tips you should have in mind when it is time for you to choose your next golf grip.
Choose the size wisely
There are a variety of different size grips on the market, nowadays. You just have to find the one that best fits your hand. Although most golf clubs come with a certain size of the grip, this doesn’t mean you have to stay with a grip that doesn’t feel natural. Your golf club shop can really make you find the best grip for your personal use. The type of grips for golf clubs you are going to need depends a lot on the size and shape of your hand. If you have a small hand with short fingers, then a smaller grip should be your first choice.
Focus on the material of the grip
Choosing a grip with the right material for the type of golf game you wish to spend your time on can really help you improve your golf game. Although most grips are made of rubber, there are nowadays, some new materials that offer players long-lasting tackiness. If you feel that your hands are a bit sensitive, you can opt for a thermoplastic grip that offers a softer feeling when you grab it. Additionally, if you feel like your hands get too sweaty easily, you should choose a grip that includes a CORD weave.
Do not forget about the firmness of the grip
The firmness of your grip is a really important factor when you have to choose between a variety of different grip shapes and sizes. It is also, highly associated with the golfer’s level of professionalism. Firmer grips are preferred by PGA professionals since they provide players with increased stability and high swing speed. On the other hand, amateur players or those who have decreased hand strength are advised to opt for a comfort grip. Soft grips will feel more comfortable with those players.
Choose carefully the surface texture of the grip
It may sound a bit overrated at first, but the surface of the grip can really affect the feeling it creates to the golfer’s hand. If the player doesn’t wear a glove, he should choose a grip that has less pattern and lets the hand feel smooth and soft. There are also, golfers who prefer a more complicated pattern and a rougher surface texture because it provides them with the extra hand traction they need in order to have better control of their swing.
When you have to grab the right golf grip for your next golf game, you should take a variety of factors into account. Learning the right way to hold your grip is not sufficient if you have not chosen the right grip for your hand in advance. For this reason, golfers should focus a lot on the quality and properties of their golf grip before they start to enjoy their first game.