Just a year ago we couldn’t have imagined how important face masks will be in 2020. Back then, a face mask was something surgeons and certain people with respiratory problems wore. Today, however, this item is the most important part of our outfit. We can’t go outside or get in a store without wearing a mask. It’s a situation we are definitely not used to, but we must not complain. Face masks protect us and others from coronavirus and they prevent the spread of the said virus.
However, there are a lot of different masks on the market today. How to choose the right one?
This is the question a lot of people are asking. Therefore, today we are going to talk about face masks that protect you the most.
N95 Face Masks
You’ve probably heard of N95 masks or CN95 masks simply because they provide a higher degree of protection than other face masks. The main reason why is because they can filter out both large and small particles coming out of a person’s mouth. They’re designed to block 95% of particles or liquids, hence the name N95.
However, these masks are hard to come by because they are usually not for general public use. Health organizations are trying to reserve them for health care workers. However, there are variations of the model you can buy, as mentioned in the blog post titled P2 N95 Masks Australia Face Masks For Sale, for example. These masks are your best chance of keeping the coronavirus at bay if you are working with people.
You should, however, know that these masks are designed to be used only once.
Surgical Masks
Surgical masks, also known as medical masks, are loose, easy to use, and disposable. They protect your nose and mouth from droplets that carry the virus. They’re specifically designed to protect you from sprays or splashes. For example, if someone sneezes in your presence, this mask will protect you from the virus. These masks are also good for preventing droplets from the wearer from spreading. Just like the N95 masks, surgical masks are meant to be used only once.
Fabric Or Cloth Masks
Lastly, fabric or cloth masks are great when it comes to trapping droplets that are released when the person who wears the mask sneezes or coughs. Their main purpose is to reduce the spread of viruses and germs, and they are easy to make. Therefore, you don’t have to go to a pharmacy to buy one. The fabric or cloth masks can be washed and worn again. This is probably one of their best features.
If you choose to wear this mask, you should try your best not to touch it. In case you do, make sure to wash your hands after. If your cloth mask gets wet or dirty, make sure to remove it and get a clean one.
Needless to say, you shouldn’t share this or any other face mask with other people. Once you are done using your cloth mask, wash it, and leave it to dry before using it again. This is the best and safest way to prevent the virus from coming into your nose and mouth.