United States: Former Attorney General of Delaware and son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, died at...
Dollar reaches the highest value of the Month as Euro to its lowest. Europe having concerns about...
Internet.org by Facebook launched in Pakistan with Telenor Partnership to enable Telenor users for browsing freely for...
Switzerland police arrested seven of FIFA officials for corruption investigation as Swiss and U.S. alleged corruption at world’s...
Washington: Obama Administration Adds Wetlands in Federal for limiting Water Pollution in US. WOTUS
A recent research revealed that Christian population is decreasing in UK. The fall can reach below 50% by...
President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan warns New York Times on interfering and capturing Turkey´s internal affairs with a critical editorial. He...
Orlando, Florida Austin, Texas Durham, North Carolina Las Vegas, Henderson, Nevada
Daesh accepted responsibility of deadly attack on Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia.