According to the World report, 270 Millions People of United states of America have their own Guns...
New York: Wealth and GDP of the United States are concentrated in 10 Metro areas. These major...
Pakistan: Former Mayor of Karachi Syed Mustafa Kamal announced his new party name as “Pak Sar Zameen”...
Brussels, Belgium: Two explosions at Brussels airport leave 11 dead and about 20 wounded. All flights have...
China announced New Online Publishing Rules due to cyber security issues which took effect last Thursday. This...
Karachi: Religious Party of Jamat e Islami protesting against the execution of Mumtaz Qadri in Karachi. Namoos e Resalat...
World’s largest cruise ship ever to set sail where guest will use GPS to locate their rooms....
Washington: Hillary Clinton released the following statement this evening: “The divisive rhetoric we are seeing should be...
Today World is celebrating women day which is internationally celebrated on 8th March every year to salute...