Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are the most discussed people in this week because of Forbes new list of Billionaires and the presence of UAE businessmen in the list, but there was one more name that makes space in rich list.
19 years old Alexandra Andresen from Oslo is the world’s youngest billionaire. She is the daughter of Johan Andresen, a Norwegian investor from Oslo. Â She owns $1.2 billion. She has equal wealth to her one year elder sister, Katharina. Both these sisters owe wealth from their family’s tobacco business.
Both of these sisters own 42.2% of the private company Ferd. Their father transferred the stock to his daughters in 2007, but still maintains control of the company.
This family initiated tobacco business with  brand Tiedemanns until 2005 before selling their stake to Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni for almost $500 million.