Being part of the finance and audit world, I have all my life kept learning and listening about profit or loss like life is like a balance sheet, be it yearly or daily closing where people think about what we are getting out of it, if we invest this amount of funds or this level of energy and it took me years of exposure and constant learning to realize that life is not just about profit or loss.
Being an individual or just a common person you can never draw two columns between what’s profitable or what’s loss, there could be failures, there could be sunk cost, there could be long term investments but at the end of day life is not always categorized into what’s benefiting or what’s not.
I wouldn’t have been able to understand this until I haven’t engaged with writing profession, I haven’t started social work or I haven’t started feeling pain or stress of people who are either just doing profit or loss or just stuck in lope.
The mindset where everything comes down to money is killing people, everywhere, where people start closing their balance sheet and starts looking people as components of their balance sheet as numbers there problem starts and they draw line to look them as strangers or friends because beneath every assumption they are evaluating everyone as a number, as asset or as liability of their book of accounts.
Life is not an accounting software where by the end of day figures or numbers should match, or a year or month’s back profit should be there, I understand this concept in life where people set’s their benchmark and if their profit is in hundreds, it should be doubled, it can never be like this when it comes to life.
Life revolves around on basic core principles;
- Value yourself first
- Finding value in others
- Seeing combined value
Knowing your own worth is best way to start valuing others and looking at collective worth, but if we start looking every single person as component of our balance sheet then each and every item would look like a “write off” or not worthy. Jot down your life into head of accounts like relationships, health, work, social life, education and entertainment and each and every account is basic account and adds up into life’s balance sheet, starts evaluating which account is not balanced or needs more adjustment where each component of every account is again very important producing its own impact.
Collectively, each sector plays an important role in society, deduct the negative impacts, adds even small or minute steps towards progress, see light at the other side of tunnel and then readjust or recalibrate your life’s balance sheet.