Modern business is characterized by uncertainty in 2023. There are higher-than-average inflation levels across Asia, Europe, and America as well as in the developing world. This can make it difficult to remain competitive as an ongoing business concern. For example, unit costs for materials or components may have risen which will eventually need to be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.
In addition, energy prices have risen globally, which can add to a company’s indirect costs, regardless of their industry. This article explores two distinct challenges businesses can face during their operations. They range from potentially catastrophic events such as a successful cyber attack to being located near the site of a natural disaster. In each example, there is information on how the impacts of these challenges can be minimized in your business.
Natural disasters
Many business owners think their company will not be subjected to damage from natural disasters. However, these can range from fires to flooding and earthquakes; in recent years, climate change and the increased likelihood of such events has been a growing link. For example, scientists believe that the recent landslides and flooding in the Himalayas, which destroyed houses and buildings were directly attributable to higher global temperatures.
As climate change becomes a reality, businesses need to know how to cope should a natural disaster affect them. Firstly, learning more about construction firms that specialize in disaster recovery is important. Having the contact details of such firms could be vital after flooding or destructive events have taken place at your company premises. In many cases, it is important to act swiftly to assess the level of damage and minimize the likelihood of any further structural problems developing. Search online for construction firms that have experience securing premises after natural disasters or damage and keep their contact information for future reference.
Threats posed by cybercrime
The malicious acts of cybercrime that take place by skilled hackers can disrupt businesses around the world. A successful attack can cost a business a significant sum of money to recover from and damage the company’s brand and reputation. Customers may be less likely to trade with organizations subjected to cybercrime as they may view them as unsafe and refuse to make purchases online. Thankfully, businesses can take a range of steps to protect their digital assets from cybercriminals.
Firstly, all company IT systems should be secured with a high-performing firewall that can monitor online traffic and use security protocols to deny access to suspicious activity or requests. In addition, the latest anti-virus software should be used on all company computers to protect against a range of malware programs. Finally, the importance of staff education on the topic of cybercrime and IT security cannot be underestimated. Put simply, a workforce educated in cybercrime matters will be more likely to spot malicious requests, communications, and attachments. Remember that staff are the first line of defense against cybercrime in a business. Educate them as part of the onboarding process and use mandatory annual training to disseminate new information in this subject area.