The Qatar Chamber (QC) announced its intent to deepen economic collaboration with France during the recent Arab-French...
In a life-changing turn of events, 29-year-old Vinod Puthiya Purayil, an equipment operator at Dnata and soon-to-be...
Abu Dhabi-based fintech company Quantix Technology Projects LLC, a subsidiary of Astra Tech, has announced one of...
Sharjah authorities have announced new guidelines for the conditional release of inmates, providing an opportunity for parole...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is experiencing a surge in demand for private charter jets, driven by...
Doha has marked a significant milestone in advancing artificial intelligence with the unveiling of the Arabic Artificial...
Confiscated counterfeit goods seized by Dubai Customs are now being repurposed at a pioneering textile recycling facility...
Arsenal’s 2-2 draw against Fulham over the weekend may be seen by some as two points dropped,...
The Copernicus Climate Change Service announced on Monday that November 2024 was the second-warmest month globally, with...