Sunway University, Malaysia is offering postgraduate scholarships open to international students for pursuing masters or PhD by...
Punjab Higher Education Commission, Pakistan providing International Travel Grants for presenting research paper in conference/seminar/symposium/workshop. These scholarships are...
Higher Education Commission Pakistan providing travel grants for researchers and scholars. It can be for Academic Conferences,...
Higher Education commission Pakistan launched Start-Up Research Grant Program (SRGP) for fresh PhD holders to establish research facilities...
Nagoya University – Japan offering a number of scholarships in BS , MS and PhD. It Is Ranked...
China: President Xi Jinping on Monday pledged that China will increase inputs and take more measures to...
China on September 15 launches space lab Tiangong-2 into space, paving the way for a permanent space...
Resume of Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer is now the time getting popular on social media. Most amazingly...
Brussels: A bomb has exploded at the Brussels police building in Institute of Criminology after a car...